My name is Maxim, I’m a super passionate Machine Learning researcher who strives to maximize the intersection between theoretical ML research and applied ML solutions.

Before commencing my PhD study I have been involved in the co-founding of several startups. One of the startups, a greentech company Sunmapper, managed to create a cool product for easy access of residential solar calculations.

Sunmapper at EON

While our product was fairly sophisticated at the time, we were bottlenecked by a great constraint: there was a lack of high-quality LiDAR coverage across European countries, a data-source our software relied heavily upon for solar radiation and planar surface mappings.

Coinciding with a runway that was drying out, and a burning desire to deepen my technical skills, I enrolled in an Industrial PhD under the guidance of Otovo and my academic advisors, with the stated goal to figure out how we may solve challenges relating to PV planning and deployment without the need of LiDAR.

From a research perspective I’m interested in Computer Vision, 3D reconstruction, Probabilistic and Deep Generative Models. In my spare time I might be playing some records as a dj, travel, play golf or partake in scuba diving.

Hot Air Baloon